
Aangezien ik veel buitenlandse cliënten uit alle delen van de wereld in therapie heb (gehad), zijn sommige reviews in het Engels. Uit oogpunt van privacy zijn de reviews uiteraard geanonimiseerd.

R. (NL)

Er is rust over me gekomen en ik voel me beter.

Nogmaals bedankt voor de waardevolle gesprekken.

S. (UK)

Thank you so much for your support! My exhaustion is completely over. I have enough strength and energy now to join a new life in the sun.

J. (SP)

I thank you for all the trust, nice meetings and your efforts.

I will reach out to you whenever I need advice!

M. (PL)

Thank you so much! I came for a burnout, and you treated me for PTSD. With succes! Unfortunately, my employer would not pay the treatment.

S. (FR)

Thank you soo much for the documents as they helped me get better insight on everything. I get no support from my employer. The frustration is severe.

I feel so alone, The only help I got is from you.

J. (NL)

Dank je wel Jan, onze gesprekken hebben me goed gedaan. Ik voel opluchting en richting.

Ik waardeer je enorm. Thx!

B. (HU)

I am happy to say that I don't have any special issues to discuss. The last few weeks I felt in balance and relaxed,

Have a good life too!

A. (PL)

I felt so alone in this country. The meetings with you were not only treating my burnout, but you also helped me with legal advice. Thanks a lot!

H. (UK)

I would like to take a moment to thank you for your help through this process. It has not always been easy but with your help I have been able to set change into motion. Although it is very much in its early stages I feel that I actually have options and that I can make these happen. My perspective has changed, for the better.

So thank you :)

R. (BRA)

I am doing good now. I'm signing an agreement with S..... and doing interviews. Thank you!

D. te A. (NL)

Ik kwam volledig uitgeput bij je. Bedankt voor alle hulp, het willen luisteren en relativeren. Ik ben nu weer in staat om mijn werk te doen en leiding te geven aan mijn personeel.

R. (USA)

I came out of a fantastic job in the States into a toxic work environment in NL. With your help I learned to cope with my stress and finding new perspective. Thnx!



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